About You

Are you filling in the form as an individual or as a company?*
Are you the (please select)*
Client (homeowner / building owner)?
OR other party representing the client
Principal Contractor
Principal Designer

Your Details

Please record your name and some personal details

Works to be carried out

Please select from the following types of work:

Site Address

Is the site address the same as your contact address (person filling in the form)?*


Please provide details of who we should invoice for these works:
Client (homeowner / building owner)
Other Person(s) to Invoice

Commencement and Duration of Works

If known, please indicate when works are due to commence and duration of the work.

Plans and Details

Please upload plans and details for the proposed works.


Not sure
less than 7.5m
18m +

Authorisation for the initial notice

Should you proceed to instruct us to carry out the service as a registered Building Control Approver we will be required to submit an initial notice to the local authority. As a matter of course, we sign these on behalf of the client as this is the quickest process.
Please confirm that you are happy for us to sign the initial notice on your behalf. (Note, we will not sign any other documentation on your behalf)*
No – I would prefer to sign this document personally

Permission to contact

We like to keep in touch with our clients by post, phone, email and other electronic means with industry news, exclusive offers, events details, CPDs and the latest information from Stroma Building Control and Stroma Group companies. Please be assured we’ll treat your information with the utmost care and will not share your information with other companies for marketing purposes without your express permission. For more information about how we’ll use your data please refer to our Privacy Policy.
Yes, please contact me
No, do not contact me

Further Details

If you would like us to consider any further information, including where you already have a good working relationship with one of our Building Inspectors or local teams, please let us know below:

Would you like us to provide you a quote before you decide whether to appoint us for your buidling control or are you an existing customer and happy for us to proceed at our standard fee for the above works?

Quote Request

Initial Notice Application

Version 1.3.1 HF LIVE